What is an awakening?

An awakening is human evolution. An opening of the third eye to higher dimensions. We are mulit-dimensional beings. At this moment, we are living in a very primal state only aware of the physical reality. We are spirit beings that have been given a human body to experience a life through senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. These senses were first exposed to nature; air, water, fire, and earth. We’ve evolved and learned how to manipulate nature to advance our beings from caves to sky rises and now the space race. We are literally entering the space age with the Age of Aquarius. We are experiencing a transition of the ages. The age of Aquarius reflects the teachings of the constellation of Aquarius. Freedom; free thinking, free sexuality, androgyny, higher and advancing technology, evolution of expanding consciousness, balance, nourishment, and nurturing ourselves. Our universe is expanding and so are we as an ethereal being. We reflect the cosmos; and the step into the Age of Aquarius is challenging us to change our minds, eliminate old patterns, and adapt to a new lifestyle as we enter the digital age. Robotics, and the advancement of the world wide web is an example of how we are expanding our consciousness. Quite literally into another physical enterprise.

As we adapt to our own technology, we must bring awareness to the changes that are inevitably happening. An awakening is crucial to adapt to our environment. The children of now are being born more awakened than the adults of yester year. The children need to be raised to be at one with themselves and nature to live harmoniously for generations to come. We are highly sensitive creatures. Sensitive to the microwaves, radio waves, sounds, lights, GMO food, fast food, preservatives, prescription medication, pollution, refined sugar, caffeine, and alcohol to name a few. We are affected by our artificial environment in a negative way and it distracts us from the peaceful center that is our spirit being.

This negative environment stresses our bodies and minds into extremes that make us act out in; anger, fear, shame, guilt, jealousy, anxieties and insecurities. These artificial environments create hyper-emotional states; crying, screaming, being over-whelmed, addictions, experiencing highs and lows. Being ‘on top of the world’ to ‘low pits of despair’. Violence to others and ourselves.

These extremes can be nurtured by replacing an artificial environment with a natural one. Nature is the healer of us all. To get back to nature in a harmonious way we must allow our selves to be awakened to it. To start, there has to be a recognition of the need to slow down, lower the amount of artificial intake, and adopting a meditative practise to bring peace back to the self.

An awakening is a detoxification of the artificial environment that we have created for ourselves.

  • This is supported in clean eating directly from the earth. No preservatives.

  • Limiting or removing screens and artificial lights (blue, fluorescent, LED, ect).

  • Finding silent spaces that you can completely relax in a safe environment.

  • Rest fully and sleep shamelessly whenever you are called to it.

  • Having a creative practice that takes a form of art.

  • A moving meditative practice that exercises the body. A short walk is a good start or any physical endeavor that takes you into, and out of, your own body and mind.

  • Silent mediation. There are a number of different ways this is possible: simple stretching, singing bowls, chanting, crystal healing, reiki, guided meditations are available online, simple sitting in silence for 5 minutes, if that is all you can do to start. Meditation is a mental muscle you have to exercise to become better at it.  

To evolve as a species we must awaken one at a time. Awakening one at a time has a ripple effect for the people that surround you. This will align a pure, collective consciousness that lives harmoniously with nature and in peace.

Some people will accept your awakening and your new, true self. And some will reject it. An awakening alters existing relationships into a new dynamic. Because you are actively changing your vibration and therefore, by the Laws of Attraction, you will purge yourself of old to make way for new that will align more directly to your new vibration. ‘New vibes means new tribes.’ For a lack of a better term.

To accept an awakening is to prepare yourself for a detoxification of the senses. The awakening is a step into evolution, that once is initiated, there is no turning back. To detox spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically is not for the feint of heart. It takes commitment like the Ant building a nest for its colony, patience like the hunting predator, and the ferocity of the Bear spirit to face the fears that have been holding you in place.

The awakening is a commitment to detoxing yourself of past traumas, sometimes of a past life or lives, and in this life. It is a descent into parts of your psyche that must be released to live freely, without attachments, in peace, and pain free. It is an evolution of the new age.

Meditative practices encourage positive outlets for negative stress. Stress management lessens pain in the body and mind. Taking care of yourself in this way prevents dis-ease in the highest form. It will give you the best chance to live a pain free, blissful, and a healthful life.

The awakening is a chance to live blissfully as if you’ve brought the freedom of the sky into your body and mind. First, to achieve freedom, there must be a battle of the psyche to be won. You will meet and greet the monsters of trauma along the way to let them go. My gift, in this short lifetime, is the ability to activate the awakening; by opening the third eye, to guide you, and help you heal yourself in this evolutionary phase. I have been given the ability to awaken those who are searching for it, to provide you the tools, and knowledge to support yourself.

In the name of love in the highest order, you deserve it.