Choosing a healer

To start the journey is not difficult. It is a declaration to yourself that you want to initiate change and that you are searching for the help to get you there.

Your declaration to health can be written down and kept it with you, you can bury it, burn it, or put it in clean water. There is no right or wrong way to do this. This is you answering the call from your higher self. How you declare it is unique to you because you are unique. There is no one else out there with your DNA or light code patterns. You also don’t need to make a physical declaration, it can be done with a focused thought of intention in your mind. ‘I want a healer that can help me heal my pain so I may live pain free.’

Manifested gifts are brought to those who live by unofficial-official laws of compassion and truth.

Do you wish to bring peace to the community by healing yourself first? This is a vulnerable, compassionate review of what heals you or harms you in your lifestyle.

Do you currently live by profiteering from others; mentally or emotionally? This latter question is the hard one that you must answer with straight truth. The magick is that you can change this part of yourself, at anytime.
The answers to these questions are defining factors if you are manifesting in good faith (non-denominational) or not.

Good faith and compliance with healing the natural world is a sure-footed way to begin an honest journey to enlightenment for the ages to come.

Now, CHOOSING a healer.

Once you have made a declaration for yourself. I want to put a general guideline out there to aid you and your intuition to know that you are on the right path.

A true healer is humble and non-judgmental; no matter your what your shadow-self brings to the surface. They have an aura of stoicism, emotional balance, and being unshakeable (grounded).

A powerful healer (not all healers are powerful) will have a difficult past that they have healed themselves from. A person who has overcome difficult life circumstances and has been able to cultivate and maintain honest compassion and love for humanity. They do not live by the physical needs of the ego but in the matter of spirit.

A true healer is committed to clean living.

Someone who regularly uses recreational drugs* or alcohol is not recommended as a healer. Or someone who participates in perpetuating drama, gossip, or negative narratives is also not a quality of a healer. A powerful healer has transcended (operates without) harmful behavior patterns.

I’m not recommending committing yourself to go bankrupt for a session with a ‘healer’. Some ‘healers’ are charging $300/hour with no follow up. You must ask yourself if it is worth your finances. Please choose someone, or an activity (league sports, exercise class, art class, support groups ect.) that is accessible and affordable to you. There will be times that you will need to lean into these sessions for mental support. These times of high sensitivity are sometimes spontaneous and heavy emotionally. You may need multiple sessions to clear dark energy. A good healer or healing activity should be within your price range for proper emotional and mental support.

*when I refer to recreational drug use; I am talking about daily use or multiple times in a week. What I am NOT referring to is ceremonial use of a plant for healing purposes led by a shaman or healer. These are two very different uses of a plant; one use is careless without intention (escapism) and the other is intentional use for the purpose of healing.

A ceremony is ceremonious, held only when is necessary.