My Story
My path brings me to this website. Attempting to categorize and articulate what I’ve experienced in the mysteries of the universe to find myself. It is important for me to tell you that I have taken the time to surrender to the universe. Purged everything and have reduced myself to a car, and a handful of personal items to leave space to absorb the profound gifts that I have been given in this lifetime.
Nature is the true healer of our species. My mission is to reintegrate the connection with nature that we have lost, back into humankind.
My spirit gifts are
Clairvoyance (gift of sight)
Clairaudience (gift of hearing)
Clairsentients (gift of feeling)
Claircognizants (gift of knowing)
Some people are aware of having one or some of these gifts. I am all of them, along with being an empath (gift of compassion). These combined gifts have come together to make me a powerful channel, medium, and/or psychic. These three words can be interchangeable depending on the subject. In relation to me, I am a portal for energy. Spirits that have passed on communicate through me. I receive energy from the living, I channel animal spirit, plants, and planetary energies as well. This can be referred to as cosmic consciousness. A portal for the energies of the stars, what has been, is, and will be. These gifts can also be called shamanism. The ability to coordinate with spirit guides, spirit animals, and plants for healing the soul. Healing the soul is a deeply emotional transgression into the parts of the self that we cannot fully access in the conscious realm. It is essentially, going into the dream realm purposefully to channel energy meant for healing.
Healing the soul reflects in the physical body.
Releasing traumatic mental and emotional pain alleviates physical pain in the body. This allows us to live a pain-free life; free of dis-ease. When you release, you are left with the ability to manifest joy, ease of movement, and have a positive mindset. Transmuting the pain from dark to light is my gift to you. I do this through the cosmic intelligence of the planets, plants, spirit guides, and animal guides. All for the purpose of the greater good and your healing potential.
To make this possible, it is our relationship with nature we must return to. To teach us what we forgot about ourselves.
I write this from my personal experience. I have managed to heal a multitude of mental dis-ease diagnosed in my family line and back pain that has crippled family members before me. I’ve been teaching my legs how to walk again through cathartic release, yoga, and meditation. This action is also supported by taking herbs that guide this experience. I was told by a physiotherapist when I was 18 ‘I am surprised you can walk.’ My hip flexors were the ‘tightest’ she had ever seen. Later learning I have mild scoliosis of the sacrum that has left my hips completely crooked left to right, up and down. It left me with pain from the floor of my spine right to the top of my head into every level starting with hips and uneven legs, lower back, mid back, shoulder blades, shoulders, neck, occipital space, ears, eyes, sinus, jaw, teeth, gums, facial bones. Pain at all of these levels happening in all at once. Western medicine did not have an answer on how to cure. There was not one accident to pin point injury. It was an all-over cluster of pain and intensity I didn’t know how to deal with.
Along with the physical pain, what I didn’t know at my young age was the mental toll of my upbringing and how it was physically manifesting in my body. This happened without the proper guidance and nurturance of how to handle emotions in a healthy way.
There was a lot of anger and fear in my household and extended family that resulted in diagnosed mental disease in family members. Depression, psychosis, anxiety, PTSD, alcoholism, and bipolarism. Along with silent killer, stress. In my mid twenties, I began the paramedic program and started to learn signs and symptoms of these diseases and after much reflection; I was starting to recognize these behavioral patterns of these mental diseases within myself. I was never diagnosed by a doctor, but I recognized that I was reflecting the behaviors of these diseases. I was learning them by association. I chose not to be diagnosed by a Doctor. For the sole reason; that I watched my Father slowly digress in the wake of diagnosed severe depression and psychosis. He was prescribed pharmaceuticals that never alleviated the issue. Western medicine did not help my Father and he ultimately succumbed to his mental diseases by taking his own life. I was 20 years old when this happened.
After this moment and many years of poor decision making and the inability to emotionally cope. I couldn’t hold a job down. I was going broke because I was spending it all at the bar. I was fighting with anyone who was close to me. Anger and fear was running my life just as it always had. The only difference now was the weight of grief on top of it. I had also lost my Grandfather, Grandmother, and family pet in a span 6 years along with the death of my father. I was not emotionally supported by the remaining family members in the after math of death because in retrospect, they don’t know how. There was a period of heavy drug and alcohol use and toxic partnerships, friendships, and situationships that led me to decide to take my healing into my own hands and rely on the alternative medicine of the natural world.
I have been successful in turning myself into a happy, healthy human being thanks to the natural world.
Nature is the true healer.
When there was nothing left for me to hang on too, when every relationship and my way to make a living was removed from my life. I was left with the ocean, forest, sun, moon, and plants to confide in. They turned out to be a lot more talkative than I ever could have imagined. When all the doors closed in my life. The natural world opened to me.
What I’ve gone from, to what I am now, are polar opposites. I was a burnt out, anxiety ridden, PTSD dominated paramedic. To becoming a healthful Venutian whole soul that is grounded in her gifts and confident to share with others the healing power of the natural world.
I practice the healing arts through:
Tarot & Oracle card reading
Herbalism (Community of Herbal Practitioners certificate through Pacific Rim College, 2024)
Astrology (School of living Astrology)
Astro herbalism. (School of Evolutionary Herbalism)
Anatomy and Physiology of Humans through paramedic training (Professional Medical Associtates, 2013)
Because this is what worked for me.
I owe everything to the healers before me that selflessly committed to helping me find myself. I want to perpetuate this selfless and unconditional love to those who do not have it in their lives.
Bringing to you an ancient art of healing that has been forgotten. It is now coming back into the new age for the purpose of our evolution and the need to unify with nature for future generations.